The Design Process

How Do Full-Service Interior Design Services Work?

Initial Meeting: All of our design projects begin with a Design Consultation. This working design meeting lasts up to 2 hours and is a time to discuss your overall project goals, budget, and timeline. We will walk through room by room to discuss your project needs. We are there to answer any questions that you may have about our process, resources, or recommendations for the best use of space.

With the information gathered, we will send you a Contract and Design Proposal summarizing the discussed scope of work with our project Design Fees for your project. After receiving your signed contract and retainer, we will begin the design process.

The Design Process: We ask our clients to collect inspirational imagery that best represents their design aesthetic. This inspires an initial design direction. After our Design Concept is complete, we meet with you to present the final design. In addition to our design, we will measure each room and develop floor plans to determine the best flow and functionality for each space.

Project Management (Remodeling): When the design phase is complete, we work with your contracts to oversee the construction of our design elements to ensure that the project meets all expectations.

Purchasing Phase (Custom Furniture and Decor): When design selections are finalized, we begin purchasing. We manage all purchasing details including ordering, tracking, deliveries, and installation.

Installation (Custom Furniture and Decor): We manage all of the details of your installation. Working closely with our delivery team, we layout each room as specified ensuring that your design is delivered complete.

Why Work with a Designer

Interior Designers have trade-only resources beyond what is available to the public. We work closely with professionals in the world of art, design, architecture, and home improvement. Our relationships in the industry are an invaluable asset to creating a home where everything fits perfectly and is truly one-of-a-kind.

Designers take on all the details, so you don’t have to, saving you time and stress on your project. Creating detailed design concepts before a project begins will prevent costly mistakes down the road in your project. Design, drawings, finish selections, ordering, scheduling, contractor coordination, and final implementation are all expertly executed.

Why Work with Us

Our philosophy is anchored in understanding our client’s needs to deliver finished interiors that complement our client’s personality with beauty and serenity.

A well-designed space considers not only budget and timeline, but how it is being used. We’ve developed a design process that helps us learn about our client’s lifestyles and aesthetics to deliver a finished project truly tailored to their needs.

We believe in creating one-of-a-kind homes for our clients that are not only practical and comfortable to live in but will stand the test of time.

“We are passionate about beautiful design and every way it improves our quality of life.”